5 powerful shoulder exercises that will double your size

I am sure that experienced athletes who understand the issue of periodization of training, biomechanics of movements and the theory of constructing specialized micro- and mesocycles had a smile on their faces when they read the title of the article. Because there are no most powerful or sa

How to pump up your buttocks: 5 rules for strong buttocks

Follow these five rules to get strong, toned buttocks. Your constantly aching back, toned thighs and thin skinny jeans will thank you! In this article you will learn how to pump up your buttocks. Firm, rounded buttocks are o

The best exercises for trapezius

Everyone knows what to do to pump up the trapezius. Perform shrugs with a barbell - and you are guaranteed a powerful scruff! But if this trapezius exercise is so effective, then why are so few people able to boast of them? About how to swing your trapezius

How to pump up arm muscles

Strong, reliable hands are one of the necessary attributes of male strength and beauty. Voluminous biceps attract the attention of the opposite sex, causing admiring or envious glances from men. Strengthen and pump up your arm muscles at home, dos

Ways to pump up chest muscles for a man at home

Well-developed pectoral muscles are an adornment for a man at any age. They attract admiring glances from ladies or cause genuine envy among “wimps”, even if hidden under clothes. So how can you quickly pump up your pectoral muscles at home?

A set of super exercises for training the forearms

Exercises for the forearms are a must in exercise for men and women. If you don't exercise these muscles, your body will look disproportionate. In addition, the risk of injury increases during more serious and complex basic exercises. L

Competent technology and interesting features that are little known

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about the dumbbell bench press on an incline bench, as well as the barbell press and various variations of incline presses. I think the information will be useful to you. As I said, the blog is back on track. I already miss you

How to pump up biceps without dumbbells and barbells at home?

How to pump up biceps without dumbbells and barbells at home? This question is the most popular among “green” athletes. Many people who decide to take the path of a healthy lifestyle are faced with the same problems over and over again: some

How to quickly pump up your shoulders at home

Every man wants to have beautiful, pumped up and sculpted shoulders, which are considered the first quality indicator of male strength and confidence. However, constant work and eternal affairs simply do not provide the opportunity to visit the gym at least 3-4 times

How to quickly and correctly pump up a man’s wide back?

Before learning how to properly pump up a wide and large back, men should find out why they need to pump up this muscle in the first place. For better assimilation and memory of information, we are going to provide you with 4 reasons that can convince you that