Ways to pump up the muscles of the chest for a man at home

Well-developed pectoral muscles are an adornment of a man at any age. They attract the admiring glances of ladies or cause genuine envy among the "squishy", even if hidden under clothing. So how to quickly pump up the pectoral muscles at home for a man? Will there be an effect if you pump up on your own, or does this require the participation of a personal trainer and a specially equipped gym?

For modern men, a constant visit to the "rocking chair" is not always available both in time and for material reasons, but this is far from a reason to give up and stay with the physical data that nature has awarded. At home, it is possible for a man to pump up the pectoral muscles, you just need to remember the regularity of classes and the rules of "pumping".

On visual inspection, many men may notice a kind of "dip" in the center of the sternum, while the lateral and shoulder muscles are well developed. This is due to the fact that there is no daily load on the internal parts of the chest. To pump them up and achieve relief and strength, you need special strength exercises.

Two pairs of muscles are responsible for the beauty of the upper torso:

  • Large chest.
  • Small chest.

With properly performed strength training, they both develop symmetrically, but since the sheet of the pectoralis major muscle is very extensive, it can develop incorrectly, forming a "fossa" in the middle and a bulge at the shoulder.

Basic rules for beginners

For pumping the pectoral muscles of the pulp, there are conditions that beginners should familiarize themselves with before proceeding to create a figure.

  • Situation #1 (main)

The wider the distance between the arms in support, the more pectoral muscles will be involved. Therefore, if the grip is too narrow, the work will be mainly triceps, optimally these are arms spaced slightly wider than shoulders. Then pumping will be easier and more efficient.

  • Situation #2

To achieve the best result when strengthening the muscles of the pectoral girdle, it is necessary to do push-ups correctly.

The upper chest will be more involved if the arms are raised higher above the head during push-ups.

  • Situation #3

Hands squeeze smoothly, and unclench sharply.

  • Situation #4

The efficiency of the spin will be greater if the legs during the exercise are higher than the head.

  • Situation #5

It is very important for a man to monitor his breathing in order to pump up the muscle tissue of the chest at home. The exhalation is done with maximum effort (up), and the breath is done with relaxation (down), which is typical for any strength exercises.

  • Situation #6

Periodically, rest is needed, so classes should take place every other day. Initially, pain happens to everyone, you should not be afraid of it, with regular training it gradually disappears.

Professional bodybuilders, based on practice, believe that for a visible result, you need to do 4 sets with 7-12 repetitions and only regularly.

Hard training is half the battle, it is important to remember about proper nutrition with enough protein. The multiplicity of meals is 5-6 times, the gap between meals should be approximately 3.5-4 hours. Protein products (eggs, fish, meat, milk) are consumed at the rate of 3 g / 1 kg of body weight. Clean water should also be in sufficient quantity (about 2 liters).

What does the base look like

At home, in order to pump up the pectoral muscles, it is recommended to systematically perform the following types of exercises. They are not difficult, do not require special training and special material costs, so any beginner who wants to get the "figure of his dreams" will be able to do it.

Push-ups can be done not only from the floor, but for example from a sofa or bed.

  • Standard spin

Emphasis with palms and socks on the floor, the body is straight, arms slightly wider than shoulders. The movements are smooth without jerks and deflections of the torso, if possible, you need to do three sets of 19-25 push-ups. This exercise is recommended to be performed first so that the pectoral muscles become warm.

  • Head below feet

Such movements are the basis for effectively pumping up the pectoral muscles of a man at home. It is recommended to carry out 4 sets of 12-20 repetitions. The legs are resting on the chair, the hands on the floor are slightly wider than the shoulders, the body is straight.

  • Pressing and stretching

Power stretching movements are needed for maximum development of muscle tissue. At home, you need to take two chairs, put them side by side so that your arms are slightly wider than your shoulders. It is better to put your feet on the sofa so that they are higher than the chairs. When pushing up, the body should sag deeply and a slight pain should be felt in the chest. The pectoral muscles stretch and grow.

In order to pump up the pectoral muscles of a man at home more effectively, it is advisable to use sports equipment:

  • Collapsible dumbbells (5-25 kg).
  • Bars.
  • Adjustable bench.

In the process of training, the complexity of the exercises can be increased, but the main thing is to perform them regularly.

The upper chest is the most difficult area, it is difficult to pump it up at home. The lower part of the chest is best pumped up on collapsible bars, classes should be performed 2-3 times a week for 3-4 sets (10-15 times per set).

Quick results at home: what you need to remember

One desire to pump up the pectoral muscles at home is not enough, it is important to remember: excessive loads at the very beginning of classes are not welcome and do not contribute to rapid growth. For a completely physically unprepared man, strong pumping can result in injuries and torn ligaments. A gradual increase in physical activity with regularity - these are the two main trump cards of a beautiful and embossed male chest.

Patience and only patience, having set a goal, you need to stock up on it more than ever, and after six months of classes you can see changes in your figure. It is allowed to start working with a barbell or dumbbells only at the stage of enhanced training and be sure to warm up the muscles before each workout.

After achieving the desired result, exercises at home cannot be completed. To keep the torso beautiful for many years, you need daily supportive exercises - pull-ups and push-ups.